Course details
- Spring 2025
- Monday, January 27th to Friday, April 4th
- Live lecture hours
- 20
- Recorded lecture hours
- 0
- Total advised study hours
- 80
- Mondays
- 14:05 - 14:55 (UK)
- Mondays
- 15:05 - 15:55 (UK)
Course forum
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- Affine, projective and quasiprojective varieties.
- Rational, birational and regular maps.
- Dimension. Singular and non-singular points. Tangent space.
- Divisors and differential forms. Riemann-Roch Theorem for curves.
- Blow-ups and intersection theory for smooth complex surfaces (time permitting).
Jesus Martinez Garcia
- University
- University of Essex
Follow the link for a book to take you to the relevant Google Book Search page
You may be able to preview the book there and see links to places where you can buy the book. There is also link marked 'Find this book in a library' - this sometimes works well, but not always - you will need to enter your location, but it will be saved after you do that for the first time.
The assessment for this course will be released on Tuesday 22nd April 2025 at 00:00 and is due in before Friday 2nd May 2025 at 11:00.
Assessment for all MAGIC courses is via take-home exam which will be made available at the release date (the start of the exam period).
You will need to upload a PDF file with your own attempted solutions by the due date (the end of the exam period).
If you have kept up-to-date with the course, the expectation is it should take at most 3 hours’ work to attain the pass mark, which is 50%.
Please note that you are not registered for assessment on this course.
Only current consortium members and subscribers have access to these files.
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