
MAGIC Launch Event

Wed 2008

15:30 - 18:00

Organised by Professor Jitesh Gajjar.

Hosted by University of Manchester.

Individual sites may have their own introduction starting from 3.30PM
At 4.00PM there will be a welcome speech delivered from UCL by:

Lesley Thompson (EPSRC)

This will be followed by a mathematical lecture delivered from Manchester:

Polynomial interpolation in a million points
Professor Nick Trefethen
(University of Oxford)

After the lecture, there will be social events at all sites, shared via the Access Grid.

Teaching electronically and via the Access Grid: Annotations and Digital Ink

Wed 2008

15:00 - 16:00

Hosted by University of Birmingham.

In recent years it has become common for mathematics lecturers to use computer projection in their lectures and seminar presentations. Often some handwriting on a whiteboard is used for asides: for clarification, for worked examples and sketches. If the handwriting is done electronically, as is necessary over the Access Grid, it is referred to as Digital Ink.

We will give a general overview of e-teaching approaches. This will include using the beamer class in LaTeX to produce pdf slides (with stepped uncovering of a slide) and annotation of any pdf file using PDF Annotator (and jarnal). We will demonstrate using a TabletPC to produce highlighting (note that a laser pointer is not effective in an AGR) and annotations of pdf "notes" or slides. When using a TabletPC, WindowsXP provides a very good (and fully integrated) Digital Ink with Word, PowerPoint and Excel. Digital Ink within Maple and also with an interactive whiteboard will be demonstrated. We discuss an example of marking remote student work (as a pdf file and using PDF Annotator).

I'll make a few preliminary comments about the Australian national program of collaborative teaching of Honours mathematics and statistics via the Access Grid. Since I recently participated in the Access Grid Retreat 2008 in Vancouver, I'll make a few brief comments about current AG developments.